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Friday, August 28, 2015

Datastage Transformer String Functions - Index

Index(String, Substring, Occurrence):   
It will returns starting character position of substring. We can use it as a 'grep' command of Linux when we have to check if given character or substring is existed in input string or not. 
1. Suppose, we have to check whether substring 'le' is existing in input column 'Incol' or not?

Transformation derivation  -
If Index(Incol, 'le', 1) > 0 then 'Exist' Else 'Not Exists'

2. Let's assume we are getting 'India' as a input string, what will be the output of below derivations?
Transformation derivation  -
Index('India', 'a', 1)         =  5
Index('India', 'i', 1)         =   4   # this will not give 1 as matching is case sensitive
Index('India', 'nd', 1)      =   2

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