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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

5 Tips For Better DataStage Design #3

• Stage Variables allow you to hold data from a previous record when the next record, allowing you to compare between previous and current records. Stage variables also allow you return multiple errors for a record of information. By being able to evaluate all data in a record and not just error on the first exception that is found, the cleanup of data is more efficient and requires less iteration.

• Use Annotations for describing steps done at stages. Use Description Annotation as job title; as Description Annotation also appears in Job properties>Short Job Description and also in the Job Report when generated.

• When mapping a decimal field to a char field or vice versa , it is always better to convert the value in the field using the "Type Conversion" functions  "DecimalToString" or "StringToDecimal" as applicable while mapping.

• Always use Hash Partition in Join and Aggregator stages. The hash key should be the same as the key used to join/aggregate. If Join/Aggregator stages do not produce desirable results, try running in sequential mode (verify results; if still incorrect problem is with data/logic) and then run in parallel using Hash partition.

• In Job sequences; always use "Reset if required, then run" option in Job Activity stages. (Note: This is not a default option)

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