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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Check Memory Utilization by Datastage processes

While we are running lots of DataStage job on a Linux DataStage server or different environment are sharing the same server which cause the resource crunch at server-side which affect the job performance.

It's always preferable to have an eye on resource utilization while we are running jobs. Mostly, DataStage admin set a cron with a resource monitoring script which will invoke in every five min ( or more) and check the resource statistics on server and notify them accordingly.

The following processes are started on the DataStage Engine server as follows:

dsapi_slave - server side process for DataStage clients like Designer

osh - Parallel Engine process
DSD.StageRun - Server Engine Stage process
DSD.RUN - DataStage supervisor process used to initialize Parallel Engine and Server Engine jobs. There is one DSD.RUN process for each active job

ps auxw | head -1;ps auxw | grep dsapi_slave | sort -rn -k5  | head -10
atul 38846  0.0  0.0 103308   856 pts/0    S+   07:20   0:00 grep dsapi_slave

The example shown lists the top 10 dsapi_slave processes from a memory utilization perspective. We can substitute or add an appropriate argument for grep like osh, DSD.RUN or even the user name that was used to invoke a DataStage task to get a list that matches your criteria.

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