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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

DataStage Scenario #10 - two realtime scenario

Hello guys, Hoping you are enjoying while solving DataStage Scenarios. Today I am going to ask two real time scenario. try to solve these :-)

We have to design a job, which will extract data from table tab1, when we get some value in a file file1. No relation between table and file.
Simple Hhh? Let's make it little restricted. You can not use the sequencer job, All functionality we need in a single parallel job.

When you able to solve first one, come to this -

Reading source table Stab which is having 20 columns (Sc1, Sc2, Sc3.... ), Need to validate individual column from Sc1 to Scl0 from another table Rtab column Rc1 to Rc10 ( means Sc1 with Rc1, Sc2 with Rc2 .........). The condition is, If any column is got invalid whole row will be dropped and that column captured in a single reject report. Design such a way that we should get two rows in reject file if two column are not valid in a single input row.

Wish you a luck !!

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