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Thursday, December 17, 2015

Python, IPython, Jupyter notebook, Graphlab Installation on Windows

In "Python Installation from Source in Linux" and "Data Science Tools Installation in Linux" we have seen, how to install these tools on linux, Today we will learn how to setup these tools on Windows -

Python Installation:

1. Download the Python Windows installer from here ->

2. Install it as we install any software on windows

3. Now, setup the Environment Variable -
a.              If you haven’t played with environment variables before, just stick to following these instructions as you can set them up through the Windows GUI.
b.             Right click on "My Computer", select "Properties" > "Advanced system settings" and click on the "Environment Variables" button
c.             In the System Variables box, find the variable called "path" and click on the "Edit…" button
d.             In the "Variable value" box, at the end of the entry, add the following text: ;C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts (change the path as per your installation)
e.             Click "OK" a couple of times and hey presto, your environment variables are set up.
f.              Open cmd and type command 'python', if you get the python prompt we are good else check the steps once again.

4. The next step in the process is to set up easy_install and so we need to go to the setuptools page (links to version 0.8) and download the script. You can download it from here -> and put this in python script directory (C:\Python27\Scripts)

5. Open a command prompt and type python install – you’ll see a load of code whizz by which will hopefully end as follows;

C:\Python27> python install
Processing dependencies for setuptools==0.8
Finished processing dependencies for setuptools==0.8
6. easy_install has now been set up and you can test to see if it is there, by typing easy_install in to a command prompt, which will throw an error about no URLs, you know that the tool has been set up successfully.

To use easy_install to get new libraries, just use the following syntax: easy_install <library name>

IPython Installation:

C:\Python27> easy_install ipython
Jupyter notebook Installation
C:\Python27\Scripts> pip install jupyter
You can run the jupyter notebook as below -

C:\Python27\Scripts>jupyter notebook

Graphlab Create Installation

C:\Python27\Scripts> pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir

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