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Monday, January 4, 2016

Monitoring Memory by DataStage Processes #2

You can find other parts here -> Monitoring Memory by DataStage Processes #1

Continuously capturing memory usage of all osh processes -

$ while:; do date; ps -e -o pid,ppid,user,vsz,time,args |grep -v grep| grep osh; sleep 3;done

To Stop, Use Ctrl-C

osh processes are processes created by DataStage parallel jobs. This command is used to monitor all osh processes over a period of time. In this example, the grep command is used to filter processes with the string “osh” but this can be modified if you want to filter processes by something else such as user ID or ppid. This loop is started every second but can also be modified by increasing the value after the sleep command. This command will continue to run until you press Ctrl + c.

Monitoring only new processes:

Sometimes it is difficult to find a common string to filter the processes you want to monitor. In those cases, and assuming that you can reproduce the problem or condition you want to analyze, you can use this script to keep track of all new processes.

This script will help us to monitor the new processes generated after this script ''. With this script, we can monitor the process of datastage job, which is executed after this script execution, specifically.


How to Use this script?

1. Run the script
2. Start the datastage job or reproduce the issue
3. Press Ctrl-C to stop the script
4. Analyse the output file generated by script

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