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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Import your own python library

How to use your own written functions or routines when code in python??

Follow below steps for auto import - 
1. Create a folder where you can put all reusable code/function/routines files
2. Let's say it is "routines"
3. Now suppose, you have written all your functions and save it in a file and saved it in routines folder
4. Add routines folder path to your windows path or linux path
for linux:
Edit your .bash_profile (typically towards the end)to the following line
export PYTHON_PATH=$PYTHON_PATH:'/path/to/folder/'   #if you have this variable
export PATH=$PATH:'/path/to/folder/'   #else use  this line

 where you put the correct path in the appropriate location

Follow below steps for manual import -
Use below python code to manually import the module file

How to use your function in your code:-
1.  import that module into your python script session with a command like
import myfunc

2.  for using a function "my_sqrt" from your library myfunc
x = myfunc.my_sqrt(val)

3.  you can create alias for your library also
import myfunc as mf
x = mf.my_sqrt(val)

If want to import a particular peice from library, use as
from myfunc import my_sqrt
x = my_sqrt(val)

this is tedious if you have to import multiple so use as
from myfunc import *
x = my_sqrt(val)

But, remember if you are import multiple library and they having same function name.
While using, you need to call them as step 2

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