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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

ETL Development Standards

These development standards provide consistency in the artifacts the ETL developers create.  This consistency improves testing, operational support, maintenance, and performance.  

Code Development Guidelines

1 Commenting in Code and Objects

As a primary guideline where it is possible and does not interfere with the operation of the applications, all code must contain a developer comment/note.  
All ETL jobs must have a proper annotation (short description of the functionality of the job).
The target output files (.csv files) should not contain any leading or trailing spaces.
While deciding record level delimiter, “Delimiter Collision” issue needs to be considered. No such delimiter should be used as a field defaults that is present as a part of data.

2 ETL Naming Standards

The standardized naming conventions ease the burden on developers switching from one project to another.  Knowing the names and where things are located are very useful to understand before the occurrence of the design and development phases.

The following table identifies DataStage elements and their standard naming convention.

2.1 Job and Properties Naming Conventions

GUI Component Entity Convention
Designer Parallel Job <<Application>>_<<job_Name>>_JOB
Designer Sequence  <<Application>>_<<job_Name>>_SEQ
Designer Server Job  <<Application>>_<<job_Name>>_SVR
Designer Parameter  <<Application>>_<<job_Name>>_PARM

2.2 Job Processing Stage Naming Conventions

GUI Component Entity Convention
Designer Aggregator  AGG_<<PrimaryFunction>>
Designer Copy  CP_<<PrimaryFunction>>
Designer Filter  FLT_<<PrimaryFunction>>
Designer Funnel  FNL_<<PrimaryFunction>>
Designer Join (Inner)  JN_<<PrimaryFunction>>
Designer FTP Enterprise FTP_<<PrimaryFunction>>
Designer Lookup  LKP_<< Value Name or table Name>>
Designer Merge  MRG_<<PrimaryFunction>>
Designer Modify  MOD_<<PrimaryFunction>>
Designer Sort  SRT_<<PrimaryFunction>>

2.3 Links Naming Conventions

GUI Component Entity Convention
Designer Reference (Lookup)  Lnk_Ref_<<Number or Additional descriptor, if needed to form a unique object name>>
Designer Reject (Lookup, File, DB)  Lnk_Rej_<<Number or Additional descriptor, if needed to form a unique object name>>
Designer Input  Lnk_In_<<Number or Additional descriptor, if needed to form a unique object name>>
Designer Output  Lnk_Out_<<Number or Additional descriptor, if needed to form a unique object name>>
Designer Delete  Lnk_Del_<<Number or Additional descriptor, if needed to form a unique object name>>
Designer Insert  Lnk_Ins_<<Number or Additional descriptor, if needed to form a unique object name>>
Designer Update  Lnk_Upd_<<Number or Additional descriptor, if needed to form a unique object name>>

2.4 Data Store Naming Conventions:

In the case of a data store, the class word refers to the type of data store (e.g. Dataset, Sequential File, Table, View, and so forth).

GUI Component Entity Convention
Designer Database  DB_<<DatabasName>>
Designer Table  TBL_<<TableName>>
Designer View  VIEW_<<ViewName>>
Designer Dimension  DM_<<TableName>>
Designer Fact  TRAN_<<TableName>>
Designer Source SRC_<<Table or Object Name>>
Designer  Target  TRGT_<<Table or objectName>>

2.5 File Stage Naming Conventions:

GUI Component Entity Convention
Designer Sequential File  SEQ_
Designer Complex Flat File  CFF_
Designer Parallel dataset  DS_

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