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Monday, April 25, 2016

Tuning SQL Statement #1

•    Try to use explicit columns and try to read columns in index orders if possible, even to the point of reading indexes and not tables.
•    Use a standard approach to table aliases.  If two identical SQL statements vary because an identical table has two different aliases, then the SQL is different and will not be shared.
•    Use table aliases and prefix all column names by their aliases when more than one table is involved in a query.  This reduces parse time AND prevents future syntax errors if someone adds a column to one of the tables with the same name as a column in another table.
•    Use bind variables.  The values of bind variables do not need to be the same for two statements to be considered identical.  Bind variables are not substituted until a statement has been successfully parsed.

i.e -
Do's     - Select FirstNme, MidName, LastName from atul.employee;
Don'ts  - Select * from atul.employee;

•    Try to match comparison condition column sequences with existing index column sequences, although it is not strictly necessary.
•    Always try to use unique, single-column indexes wherever possible. A single-column unique index is much more likely to produce exact hits. An exact hit is the fastest access method.
•    Try to avoid WHERE clauses that are NEGATIVE. Negative key words are in the WHERE clause, such as "IS NULL", "<>", "!=", "!>", "!<", "NOT", "NOT EXISTS", "NOT IN", "NOT LIKE"

i.e -
Do's     - Select FirstNme from atul.employee where DeptCd Like 'IN%';
Don'ts  - Select FirstNme from atul.employee where SubSTR(DeptCd, 1,2) = 'IN';

Do's     - Select Material from where quantity > 0;
Don'ts  - Select Material from where quantity <> 0;

Do's     - Select Material from where quantity > 3;
Don'ts  - Select Material from where quantity + 3 > 6;

Tuming SELECT Statement Continues...............

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