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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Windows & Linux - Command Comparison

I am a linux command line geek and when I am working on windows I miss it as there are lot of kung-fu which we can do easily in linux terminal than any GUI tool. So thought of creating a command equivalent list of Windows and Linux.

let me know if there is any daily command which I missed to add here. Hoping this will help you guys.

Command's Purpose MS-DOS Linux Basic Linux Example
Copies files copy cp cp thisfile.txt /home/thisdirectory
Moves files move mv mv thisfile.txt /home/thisdirectory
Lists files dir ls ls
Clears screen cls clear clear
Closes shell prompt exit exit exit
Displays or sets date date date date
Deletes files del rm rm thisfile.txt
"Echoes" output to the screen echo echo echo this message
Edits text files edit gedit gedit thisfile.txt
Compares the contents of files fc diff diff file1 file2
Finds a string of text in a file find grep grep word or phrase thisfile.txt
Displays command help command /? man or info man command
Creates a directory mkdir, md mkdir mkdir directory
Deletes an existing directory rmdir, rd rmdir rmdirt directory
Views contents of a file more less less thisfile.txt
Renames a file ren mv mv thisfile.txt thatfile.txt
Displays your location in the file system chdir pwd pwd
Changes directories with a specified path (absolute path) cd pathname cd pathname cd /directory/directory
Changes directories with a relative path cd.. cd .. cd ..
Displays the time time date date
Shows amount of RAM in use mem free free
Displays the contents of a file type cat type filename
Reverse IP lookup nslookup nslookup
Checking the network status netstat netstat netstat
Pinging any system ping ping ping
Running Process tasklist ps ps -ef
Get login username net session who who 
Tracing IP  tracert traceroute
Sets file permissions Attrib chmod chmod perm1 perm2
Display OS version ver uname -a uname -a
Sorts lines in a file sort sort sort filename
Compare two files diff fc fc file1 file2
OS scheduler at crontab crontab -l
FTP ftp ftp ftp user@host

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