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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Python Points #14 - Code a childhood game

Level : Intermediate

Try to code this famous childhood game played in india, known as "Raja, Mantri, Chor, Sipahi", in python by seeing the game output shared below -

Little bit about Game:
Chits are made for Raja/King(100 points), Mantri/Minister(80 points),Chor/Thief(0 points) and Sipahi/Insprector(50 points). These chits are then thrown in the middle and 4 players pick one each. Raja/King then exclaims ‘Mera Manrti kaun?’ (Who is my minister?){In my game/code, King is so smart and asked directly to Mantri/Minister} Mantri/Minister responds and s/he is then asked to identify the Chor/Thief (Who stole my Queen's neckless ). If he guesses correctly then the points are retained if s/he is incorrect that he has to surrender the points to the Chor/Thief. The player with highest point wins in the end.

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