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Saturday, July 30, 2016

#1 How to Copy DataSet from One Server to Another Server

Hi Guys...
I've been asked so many times that how can we move/copy one dataset from one server to another So here is the way which I follow.

At very first step, Analyze if you can avoid this by using some other way like creating sequential file and ftp Or load the data into temporary table which can be accessible on another server, if using datastage packs then via mqs, xml or json formats etc. Why I am suggesting these solutions coz these are easy to design and guaranteed the data quality at other end.

If above solutions are not possible, please follow the below steps -

Points I am going to cover here -
1. Generating a dummy dataset
2. Files which we need to move
3. Why we need these files only
4. Reading the dataset on another server


1. Generating a dummy dataset

I have created a dummy job which is generating a dataset with default APT_Config_file which has 2 nodes.

Here, I am generating 10 dummy rows with the help of Row Generator stage and storing them into a datasset.

a. Config File - I am using the default config file (replaced the server name in "fastname" with serverA)

APT_CONFIG_FILE = /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/Configulations/default.apt

check out the "resource disk" location in config file, we need it for further processing

RESOURCE DISK = /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DataSets

b. dataset location - I have created this dataset in my home dir named dummy.ds

DATASET LOC = /home/atul/dummy.ds

Keep looking for next post........

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