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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

#3 How to Copy DataSet from One Server to Another Server

This post is third and last of How to Copy DataSet from One Server to Another Server Series

We have generated a populated a dataset and identified the files which we need to move to another server serverB from serverA


4. Reading the dataset on another server

This is the most crucial step, Now all 4 files are moved on serverB or the common location which can be accessible from serverB.

For my case, common dir is my home - /home/users/atul

A. Change the default.apt file
We need to change the fastname in default.apt (config file) which we copied from the serverA, [ NOT the default.apt for serverB]

Open the file in any text editor or vi and change as below screen shot -

Temporarily create the "resource disk" and "resource scratchdisk" location if not existing as defined in above config file.

B. Copy the dataset data files 

Move the dataset data file from common directory to "resource disk" as defined in config file.

cp ~/dummy.ds.* /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DataSets/

Now, all files locations are like -

Config file and Dataset descriptor file - my home dir or common dir
Dataset data files - /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/DataSets/

Design a job which will read thess dataset files and populate data into sequential file or any other output.

Job Paramaters -
APT_CONFIG_FILE = /home/users/atul/default.apt

DataSet Properties
DataSet File - /home/users/atul/dummy.ds

That is all, you can read the copied dataset on serverB, you can populate this data to some other output such as seq file, table so that you can avoid the use of copied default.apt config file which is not for serverB.

Try it out, let me know if you have any question.

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