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Saturday, October 8, 2016

#2 DataStage Solutions to Common Warnings/Error - Null Handling

Warnings/Errors Related to Null Handling -

1.1       When checking operator: When binding output interface field “XXXXX” to field “XXXXX”: Converting a nullable source to a non-nullable result

Cause: This can happen when reading from oracle database or in any processing stage where input column is defined as nullable and metadata in datastage is defined as non-nullable.

Resolution: Convert a nullable field to non  nullable. Need to apply available null functions in datastage or in the query.

1.2       APT_CombinedOperatorController(1),0: Field 'XXXXX' from input dataset '0' is NULL. Record dropped.

Cause: This can happen when there is no null handling mentioned on column and the same column is used in constraints/Stage Varibales.

Resolution:  Provide Null handling function to the column mentioned in constraint/Stage variable.

1.3       Fatal Error: Attempt to setIsNull() on the accessor interfacing to non-nullable field "XXXX".

Cause: This can happen when the column in source is nullable but in DB2 stage its mentioned as Non Nullable

Resolution: Change the Nullable field for the column to “Yes” instead of “No” i.e.

1.4       Exporting nullable field without null handling properties

Cause: This can happen when the columns are mentioned as nullable in sequential file stage and no representation for null values was specified.

Resolution: Specify Null field value in Format tab of sequential file stage.

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