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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Jenkins with Windows #2

In last post, we covered What is jenkins and it's benefits ( Today we are going to cover it's installtion on windos.

Prerequisite & Installation Steps:

1. Your system should have latest java installed and java path should be configured. You can check it as below - 
2.  Download the letest win-bash which is required by Jenkin -

3. Extract the win-bash zip file and add the folder path to system environment variable PATH. You can check whether it is configured it or not by executing linux command

4. Check if your 8080 port is available
              netstat -ano | findstr 8080
 If you get any output like below, It means 8080 port is not available. 

5. Configure the JENKINS_HOME variable (add JENKINS_HOME in environment variable and add JENKINS_HOME into PATH variable too.

 6. Add "C:\Windows\SysWOW64" in your PATH

7. Go to JenKins home page -
8. Download the latest jenkins.war files by clicking on Download Jenkins

9. Execute the below command to install the jenkins

If your 8080 port is available then -
               java -jar jenkins.war
               java -jar jenkins.war --httpPort=9090 (you can give any available port)

10. When installation is complete, (Do not close your installation command prompt) Open below link in web browser -
       This will route you too, very first screen of jenkins as below -

11. The password you can get in either installation log as below Or the directory mentioned in the page - 

12. After successful login, you will be moved to plugin screen (Choose Install suggested plugins) -

 Plugin installation -

12. After Plugin installation, create a new admin user - 
13. After user creation, Choose Save and Close
14. Refresh the page and login with new admin credentials you created.

15. Jenkins Installation is completed.

 In next post, we will see How to install Jenkins as windows service and What if you missed the new admin user creation.

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