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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Notepad++ tip - Format JSON file

Notepad++ is a very powerful tool with lots of plugins and functionality which can reduce a lot of our work. Today, we will see how to deal with JSON data in Notepad++.

1. First of all, whenever you are opening any data or code file, always select respective language style. How you do it is below -

Open data/code file --> Go to Language Menu --> Select respective language setting (in our case, its J - JSON )

After doing this, you will see that code/data text is more visible to your eyes.

2. Install some plugins, for JSON, install below ones -
a. JSON Viewer
b. JSToolNpp

Go to Plugins --> Plugin Manager --> Show Plugin Manager --> Available ---> Select & Install

3. For formatting JSON, select all content, now use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+M or Ctrl+Alt+J
4. Your JSON file has been formatted :-)

You can download some useful plugins from here ->
If dont have access, Use this -

Place this plugin folder into your notepad++ installation directory and restart the notepad++.

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