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Thursday, September 7, 2017

BI Report Testing Trends

Extending my quite old post (ETL Testing - Trends and Challenge - link) by sharing my thoughts on BI Report Testing Issues and Solutions. Feel free to add your views and comments if any.

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence (BI) and Data Warehouse (DW) systems allow companies to use their data for data analysis, business scenarios and forecasting, business planning, operation optimization and financial management and compliance. To construct Data Warehouses, Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) technologies help to collect data from various sources, transform the data depending on business rules and needs, and load the data into a destination database.

Consolidating data into a single corporate view enables the gathering of intelligence about your business, pulling from different data sources, such as your Physician, Hospitals, Labs and Claims systems.

  • BI Report Testing Trends
Once the ETL part is tested , the data being showed onto the reports hold utmost importance. QA team should verify the data reported with the source data for consistency and accuracy.
  • Verify Report data from source (DWH tables/views)
QA should verify the report data (field/column level) from source by creating required SQL at their own based on different filter criteria (as available on report filter page).
  • Creating SQLs 
Create SQL queries to fetch and verify the data from Source and Target. Sometimes it’s not possible to do the complex transformations done in ETL. In such a case the data can be transferred to some file and calculations can be performed.
  • GUI & Layout
Verifying Report GUI (selection page) and layout (report output layout).
  • Performance verification
Verifying Report’s performance (report’s response time should be under predefined time limit as specified by business need). Also report’s performance can be tested for multiple users (those # of users are expected to access the report at same time and this limit should be defined by business need)
  • Security verification
Verifying that only authorized users can access the report OR some specific part of report (if that part should not allow to any general user)

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