Github, Another awesome creation by Linux Father - Linus Torvalds. Github is an open source Code repository management service/tool which provides you ease of parallel development without any hassle and care to maintain the code versions and merge issue. If you want to know, read and learn here -
Git Basics #1:
1. If you are new to Github, Create your account first on
2. After creating your account, create a new repository by clicking on "New" button
3. Fill the Repository Name and descriptions as below -
You can initialize the README file and add the other files but I haven't done it as will add them from command line.
4. Once your repository has been created, Github shows you these commands to replicate the repo and use them in your local system.
If Repository is new -
If this is existing repository (which is not as we have created it just now)
Installing Git Client
1. Go to git-scm link - and choose Git client for your OS.
2. For windows users, It's pretty straight forward to download the client and install it as regular software.
3. For Linux users, It's little tricky as different linux distro have different software management or repository and command line to install it. But Git also take care of all the commands for most popular linux distro on this link -
Once, You have the Git Client and Git Account Setup, We can start with the basics with #2 post.
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