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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Let's Learn - Lifecycle of Status of Git Files

In previous post, we have started with the account creation, Basics Git Commands ( Git Basics #1 and Git Basics #2) and Setup of password less Git push (, Continuing the same here with adding a new Git post in Let's Learn series where we will learn about different file status while making the changes into git repository.


There are 4 type of status of files under git repository.

Untracked:  New Files under git repo about which git don't aware of.

Unmodified: File has been pulled from remote repo to local and not has any modification
* when you pull any git repository to your local, all files are tracked and unmodified.

Modified: Files which have been changed from last pull

Staged: Files which have been modified from last commit and staged (git add command) for commit to remote repo.

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