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Saturday, November 10, 2018

WebServices Health Check Report in Python

Continuing Converting PFX Certs to Certificate and Key Files using OpenSSL....., As discussing about a requirement to generate a health check report for web-services without much of human intervention. Though there are lots of open source and proprietary tools available which can do this stuff in few clicks but I have tried to write something in python which is capable of doing pretty much same and provide more customization.


Config file contains the columns as below -


This python code contains 3 functions, 1 GET REST CALL, 1 POST REST CALL, and 1 FILE WRITE operation, we can add more functions which can parse the response and take action as defined.
While writing this code, I have assumed that every service all is HTTPS type which need a certificate to make a success call to service host server. Though, you can omit this setting if your service is simple HTTP type.

As I said, this baseline code is just a skeleton for your service health check. add more and more functions to automate your boring stuff :-)

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