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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

MongoDB Atlas - Off Premise Way (DBaaS)

MongoDb also provide cloud services (Database as a Service - DaaS), called MongoDB Atlas, to host your mongo database on cloud. Let's see how we can setup an cloud account and access the MDB from local machine.

Cluster Step :
1. Create an account on
2. Once you are in, the very first thing which it asked to choose your cluster configuration.
2a. It gives you to choose one of cloud service which are - AWS, Google, Azure, Choose whatever you like
2b. But always choose "FREE TIER CLUSTER" (M0 Instance) else there will be usage charge.
3. Once you have selected appropriate config, it will start building your mongoDB Cluster, it will take few mins to complete the setup.
4. When done, it will be like this, usually use Cluster0 as name, you can modify it though -

How to access from local system :

You need to install Mongo Shell to access cloud db which comes with Mongo DB pkg. You can download and install on your OS (Windows/Linux) from here -

1. Login on and click on Clusters in left hand side list.
2. Click on Connect and follow below steps -
3a. Whitelist your id so that you can connect with your system or any ip address. Click on "Add a different IP Address" and to allow to connect from any system, Use as IP address
3b. Create your cluster credential

4. Once done, you will see the below screen
5a. Now, Click on Choose connection method and click on "Connect with Mongo Shell" -

5b. Now, click on standard connection string

6. Copy the string and replace the <PASSWORD> with the password which you created in Cluster Setup Step #4.
7. Now, As I have installed the MongoDB Shell in Step #1, we need to add MongoDB Bin directory path into system path. You can add this path into windows env variable or Linux user profile so that you can access mongo command from any location.
8. Once path has been added, open cmd or terminal and paste the connection string which you copied and modified in step #5

9. When connected successfully, you can try to run commands as below -

10. For more commands, you can visit this link -

11. Mongo Atlas Cloud Step has been completed and verified successfully. You can connect with the same connection string from any system (if firewall allows and have mongo shell installed)

Let me know in comments if you face any issue while doing Atlas setup.
Next Post on this Series and more on MongoDB can be find here -> LINK

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