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Thursday, January 3, 2019

How to Query on MongoDB by _id - INTERMEDIATE II

What if we have to query on MongoDB collections based on the "_id" field, Can we really query on "_id" field ? If so, what is the syntax ? Let's try this out -

Let's first fetch a document's id -

$ db.user.find_one()

{'_id': ObjectId('5c16e863817810ed3fc5e5f9'),
 'Fname': 'atul',
 'Lname': 'Singh',
 'Grade': 12.0,
 'College': 'SGM',
 'Job': 'Student',
 'Address': 'Young St.'}

Now, we will pick the object id and use this to fetch the same document from collection

$ db.user.find_one({'_id':'5c16e863817810ed3fc5e5f9'}) #this will return nothing

$ db.user.find_one({'_id':ObjectId('5c16e863817810ed3fc5e5f9')})
NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
----> 1 db.user.find_one({'_id':ObjectId('5c16e863817810ed3fc5e5f9')})

NameError: name 'ObjectId' is not defined

We have received this error because ObjectId is not the same as its string representation, it must be converted to ObjectId from a string before it is passed to find command.

$ from bson.objectid import ObjectId
$ db.user.find_one({'_id':ObjectId('5c16e863817810ed3fc5e5f9')})

{'_id': ObjectId('5c16e863817810ed3fc5e5f9'),
 'Fname': 'atul',
 'Lname': 'Singh',
 'Grade': 12.0,
 'College': 'SGM',
 'Job': 'Student',
 'Address': 'Young St.'}

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