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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Containerization - What & Why ??

Containerization, always a word which describe to hold something, literally taken from the world of freight transportation which allows to put lot of different product/item into one box and move around the world without worries of damages. Quite a definition :) Isn't it ?
                 In simple word, or I say in IT term, Containerization is a process or a way which allows user to have a sandbox environment with required software specific to versions which you can flush whenever you are done with it and re-instantiate it when needed.

Now questions comes then what is the difference between a Virtual Machine and Container which we are going to discuss next.

In last decade, Virtual Machines (VM) allow IT giants/users to have one physical machine and host different application and its variants in VMs which shares the resources from host machine. But this comes with a small price, the bottleneck of resources shared. Your physical machine limit to host VMs is totally depends on its resources such as storage, processing power or memory cause VM requires these as contains the guest os and application with its dependencies. Guest OS itself eats lots of host storage & memory and required to be patched on timely manner to support your application.

VM stack is somewhat look like below -

Containerization has removed guest OS dependency and uses Host machine and OS which substantially reduce the size of container as well as resources consumption which brings lot more pros over virtual machine. Containerization stack is as below -
In next post, we will discuss about pros and cons of VM and Containerization.

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