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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How RedHat Openshift is different from Google Kubernetes ?

RedHat Openshift is nothing but an adaptation of Google Kubernetes with few additional tweaks and services. Like Google Cloud Platform or GCP, Openshift also run by OCP (Openshift Cloud Platform). In this post, we will be discussing How OCP is different from GCP regarding Kubernetes implementation.

Openshift provides all the features and object which is provided by Kubernetes, you can read more about Kunbernetes Object HERE. Here, we will only discuss what extra features is provided by Openshift.

  • Graphical User Interface: Openshift has added a WebUI over kubernetes cluster which is somewhat look like below, From this UI, you can perform a lot of operations from UI which is usually done by Kubernetes CLI, such as -
    • Deployment of Container as Deployment or Statefulset object, Service, Config Map and Secret Objects. 
    • UI for One page status of Your Project which will list all the containers and running pods and their status.
  •  Metrics & Logging:  
    • Build-in feature for Container Metrics and Logging for all the container running on cluster
  • Route Object:
    • OCP adds a new object, Route, which creates a direct HTTP/S URL for exposed container port for http traffic.
  • Developer Workflow:
    • OCP also provide local Image Registry, CI/CD pipeline for deployments and S2I (Source to Image) Pipeline which is capable of creating container from source code. 

This is it for now, See you in next post, Till then...Happy Learning.....

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