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Friday, June 19, 2020

JKS Utility Script

In this post, I am going to share an utility script for JKS which is not new but useful if your org is not allowing any JKS tool to create/update/view JKS keystore. I use this script in my day to day task which require only Java and openssl installed on your system or server which is by default available on all linux system. 
        You can convert this shell script to windows batch script as well to use this in windows system. When you run this script, this will give you these options to choose from and perform the task. 

You can submit any enhancement by pulling a request here -


##                  Functions

genKeystore() {
	echo "Please provide below info as requested (hints are mentioned) - "
  read -p "CN Name : " -e CN
  read -p "Organizational Unit : " -e OU
  read -p "Organization : " -e O
  read -p "City Name : " -e L
  read -p "State or Province :" -e S
  read -p "Country Code : " -e C
  read -p "Keystore Password (min 6 char): " -e keyPass
  keytool -genkey -noprompt \
 -alias $CN \
 -dname "CN=$CN, OU=$OU, O=$O, L=$L, S=$S, C=$C" \
 -keystore ${CN}.jks \
 -storepass $keyPass \
 -keyPass $keyPass \
 -keyalg RSA \
 -sigalg SHA256withRSA \
 -validity 1095 \
 -keysize 4096 \
 && echo "" \
 && echo "KeyStore ${CN}.jks has been generated" \
 && echo "JKS Validity : 1095 days" \
 || echo "JKS generation has some issue, please look into the command"
 keytool -certreq -noprompt \
 -alias $CN \
 -keystore ${CN}.jks \
 -file ${CN}.csr \
 -storepass $keyPass \
 -keyPass $keyPass \
 && echo "" \
 && echo "CSR request ${CN}.csr has been generated" \
 && echo "You can submit thie CSR reuqest for CA approval" \
 || echo "CSR generation has some issue, please look into the command"
 echo "" && ls -l ${CN}*

	read -p "Enter the keystore Name: " -e keyStr
	read -p "Enter the keystore Password: " -e keyPass
  read -p "Enter key alian name: " -e keyAls
  keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore $keyStr \
  -srcstorepass $keyPass \
  -srckeypass $keyPass \
  -srcalias $keyAls \
  -srcstoretype JKS \
  -destalias $keyAls \
  -destkeystore $keyAls.p12 \
  -deststoretype PKCS12 \
  -deststorepass $keyPass \
  -destkeypass $keyPass \
  -noprompt \
  && openssl pkcs12 -in $keyAls.p12 -nodes -nocerts -out ${keyAls}.key -password pass:$keyPass \
  && rm $keyAls.p12 \
  && echo "" \
  && echo "Private Key are - ${keyAls}.key" \
  && ls -l ${keyAls}.key \
  || (rm $keyAls.p12 && echo "Either $keyAls does not exit in jks")

	read -p "Enter the keystore Name: " -e keyStr
	read -p "Enter the keystore Password: " -e keyPass
  read -p "Enter key alian name: " -e keyAls
  keytool -export -alias $keyAls \
  -keystore $keyStr  \
  -file $keyAls.cer \
  -storepass $keyPass \
  -srcstoretype JKS \
  -rfc \

  echo "Put all the cer file in the same location where this script exist"
	read -p "Enter the keystore Name: " -e keyStr
 	read -p "Enter the keystore Password: " -e keyPass
  echo ""
  echo "#############################################################"
  for cert in `ls -1 *.cer`
    echo "Importing cert $cert"
    keytool -importcert -keystore $keyStr -storepass $keyPass -alias ${cert%.*} -file $cert -noprompt
    echo "$cert imported into $keyStr"
  echo "#############################################################"

  read -p "Enter the keystore Name: " -e keyStr
  read -p "Enter the keystore Password: " -e keyPass
  read -p "Enter the full name of root cert: " -e rootCert
  read -p "Enter the full name of intermediate cert: " -e intCert
  echo ""
  keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ${rootCert%.*} -file ${rootCert} -keystore ${keyStr} -storepass $keyPass -noprompt \
  && keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias ${intCert%.*} -file ${intCert} -keystore ${keyStr} -storepass $keyPass -noprompt \
  && echo "CA certs are trusted in KeyStore" \
  || (echo "CA cert import error")
  echo ""

	read -p "Enter the keystore Name: " -e keyStr
 	read -p "Enter the keystore Password: " -e keyPass
  echo ""
  echo "List of Certs in KeyStore with Validity"
  echo "#############################################################"
  keytool -list -keystore $keyStr -storepass $keyPass -v | egrep "Alias|Entry type|Serial|Valid" | sed "s/Alias/\\nAlias/g"
  echo ""
  echo "#############################################################"

  echo "Put *.cer & *.key file in the same location where this script exist"
	read -p "Enter the keystore Name: " -e keyStr
 	read -p "Enter the keystore Password: " -e keyPass
  echo ""
  mv "${keyStr%.*}.cer" "${keyStr%.*}.crt" \
  && openssl pkcs12 -export -in ${keyStr%.*}.crt -inkey ${keyStr%.*}.key -out ${keyStr%.*}.p12 -name ${keyStr%.*} -password pass:${keyPass} \
  && keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore ${keyStr%.*}.p12 \
  -destkeystore ${keyStr} -srcstorepass ${keyPass} \
  -deststorepass ${keyPass} -srcalias ${keyStr%.*} \
  -destalias ${keyStr%.*} -srcstoretype PKCS12 -noprompt \
  && rm ${keyStr%.*}.p12 \
  && echo "$keyStr generated" \
  && ls -l $keyStr \
  || (mv "${keyStr%.*}.crt" "${keyStr%.*}.cer"  && echo "JKS generation error")

##                             MAIN

echo ""
echo "#############################################################"
echo "####         Welcome to              #####"
echo "#############################################################"
echo ""
echo "Checking if java, openssl and keytool is available or not"
which java > /dev/null || (echo "java does not exist" && exit 1);
which openssl > /dev/null || (echo "openssl does not exist" && exit 1);
which keytool > /dev/null || (echo "keytoll does not exist" && exit 1);
echo ""
echo ""
echo "Choose one of the options (Enter no) - "
echo "1 - Generation of Keystore & CSR"
echo "2 - Extract Private Key from Keystore"
echo "3 - Extract Public Cert from Keystore"
echo "4 - Import Certs into Keystore"
echo "5 - Import CACerts into Keystore"
echo "6 - Check Validity of Certs in Keystore"
echo "7 - Generate KeyStore from Key and Cert file"
echo "99 - Exit"
echo ""
echo ""
while true; do 
  read -p "Option: " -e opt
    case $opt in
      "") echo "You did not choose any option, please try again"; break;;
      1) genKeystore; break;;
      2) extPvtKey; break;;
      3) extPubCert; break;;
      4) impCerts; break;;
      5) impCAcerts; break;;
      6) getValidity; break;;
      7) genKeystoreFrmCertNKey; break;;
      99) echo "Exiting from scripts"; exit 0;;
      *)  echo "Invalid Option, Please choose above listed options & hit Enter";;

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