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Thursday, November 26, 2020

How to Start with Kubernetes(K8s) in no time?

Want to play around with Kubernetes(K8s) on a personal system but hates the setup, No worries. Today, I am going to tell you how to configure a local K8s cluster in no time. 

For local installation, we don't want to setup a big K8s cluster with networking n other features. So let's see what options we have :
a) Minikube
b) Kind

    It is a tiny implementation of K8s which will run under a Virtual machine on your system. The only hassle with minikube is, it will take some time in the startup as it downloads the VMs at the very first time and VM startup will take some time. 
You can find more details about minikube HERE, It is having great documentation and a great comminity so if you stuck anywhere you get help for sure. 

So let's check out what is "Kind"

   This tool will give you the fast K8s local cluster which utilizes docker as node so docker only a prerequisite for Kind installation,  Kind will not provide you the full-fledged k8s cluster but good enough for you to play around with the k8s development. Please checkout the documentation first if it is providing you all the toolset you need in your development HERE

So, both tools are great for K8s, comes with a lot of toolsets to play around with.  Let me know which one you like the most and why in the comment section. Till then... Happy Learning !!

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