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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

GIT - How to delete Local & Remote Branch

Github is an wowsome tool for code versioning and its comes with lot of functionality. But today we will look into Branch deletion process. 

Deleting a Local Branch:  
             You can not delete a branch if you are already inside it, so if you want to delete a branch named - "test_branch" you have to switch to some other branch first. 

$ git checkout master        # switch to any other branch
$ git branch -d test_branch  # delete the local branch 

Sometime, if branch have some uncommitted changes then it will throw error. You can use below command to force the deletion. 

$ git branch -D test_branch  # delete the local branch forcefully 

Deleting a Remote Branch:  
    It is a good practice to sync the remote branch details into local repo first, before deleting any remote branch, which we can do by running below command - 

$ git fetch -p

Now, we can delete the remote branch by following below command template - 

$ git push remote_name -d branch_name  # delete the remote branch 

i.e. - Usually, remote_name is 'origin' so the command will be - 

git push origin -d test_branch

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