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Monday, February 15, 2021

Deploy Openshift App from a Private Image Repository

In Post "Building Openshift App from a Private Git Repository" we have seen how to exploit enterprise or private git to deploy an application in Openshift, Today, we are going to explore the same but from a private or enterprise image registry also known as Image Artifactory.   

Let's assume we need to deploy in Openshift where is a private image repository and php-hello-dockerfile:latest is the image.

Setup Private image repository access:

 $ oc create secret docker-registry image-registry-cred \ \  
     --docker-username=atulsingh0 \  

 $ oc secrets link builder image-registry-cred --for=pull  
 $ oc secrets link default image-registry-cred --for=pull  

In above command, we have created a secret to access private image repo and then link the secrets to default & builder service account on Openshift for pull. 

Now, you can deploy the image by below command - 

$ oc import-image php-hello-dockerfile:latest \
        --from= \

$ oc new-app --name hello-pho \
    -i php-hello-dockerfile:latest

As we already enabled the image-registry secret with builder & default service account, we can easily pull the image as image stream in Openshift and then run the deployment command. 
This is it for this post, let me know what else you want to know about Openshift in comment section, till then.. Happy Learning !!!

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