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Monday, May 29, 2023

Generating Support Bundle of k8s cluster

Now a days I think everyone is working in k8s world directly or indirectly, In day to day life whatever apps/sites you are using they are most probably hosted on k8s cluster and managing these clusters can be hair pulling act sometime if you don't have the direct access on the cluster due to strict security or it is not at all is your cluster but the customer's. 

 Today, We are going to take a quick peek into the solution of this problem. 

Replicated org have developed a neat kubectl plugin to accommodate the same and it's called support-bundle. So let's look into more details. 

What is it exactly:
    A support bundle is an archive that's created in-cluster, by collecting logs, cluster information and executing various commands. After creating a support bundle, the cluster operator will normally deliver it to the application vendor for analysis and remote debugging.

  • Install krew (kubectl plugin repository)
  • Install preflight and support bundle to your machine.

    kubectl krew install preflight
    kubectl krew install support-bundle

    To use the standard definition for support bundle (definition is here) you can simply run below command - 
kubectl support-bundle

If above video is not loading, you can watch the demo here.

Data in Support Bundle - 

You can also customize the definition as per your need, you can start from  here. An example of custom definition can be found here created by CircleCI

So now, if you want to share the logs and specification about your cluster to anyone without giving them access to your cluster, Support bundle plugin is there to help you. Keep watching this space as in the next post I am going to discuss about how you should/can read this bundle like you are directly accessing the cluster. So Keep Watching...Keep Learning.... 

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